Thursday, June 23, 2016


Long, very little sleep, flight but we landed safely this morning in London!  We found our driver to the hotel pretty quickly but then the London traffic was horrible and the streets are narrow and none of them are straight...all further complicated of course by their insistence on driving on the wrong side of the street.  (Although Mom would actually prefer left turns to right turns in this topsy turvy world.)

Here is the view from our hotel room..You can see from the sky that the weather is making us feel right at home...  It was warm, humid and pretty much drizzled all day long.
 We napped for a couple hours and then met our tour guide, Justine, and the rest of our travel partners for dinner.  There are 31 people on the tour - 29 from the US and 2 from Canada.  We ate a traditional dinner of fish and chips at this traditional pub.

Well...I had fish and chips.  Noah just had peas.  NOT
He had the fries.

Oh, but Noah did try something new today --- Foster's Lager.  

I would ask him to post something today as well but he is already sound asleep --- and I am not far behind.

Cheerio!  We have a full day of sight-seeing in London tomorrow!


  1. Looks like a good first day. Rest up!

  2. Noah never goes to sleep this early, and I'm counting the time difference!

  3. Did ya have to finish his beer too?

  4. No big surprise he wouldn't eat the fish or the peas! Did he like the lager? How did he handle his first beer? That's probably why he fell asleep so soon. Lol

  5. Good Morning!!!! (Not really sure what time it is there, but mornings are good!!) Glad you made it safe and sound!!
